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Outrage as Nigerians Are Refused Entry in a Chinese Supermarket in Abuja

A Chinese supermarket in Abuja has come under scrutiny after reports emerged of it refusing entry to Nigerian customers, as revealed by an investigation conducted by PUNCH Online. Situated at the China General Chamber of Commerce along Umaru Musa Yar’Adua Road in Nigeria’s capital territory, Abuja, the supermarket is renowned for its assortment of Chinese cuisine and beverages.

In a widely circulated video, an unidentified Nigerian individual is seen expressing frustration and disbelief as he is denied entry at the supermarket’s doors. According to an officer on duty, only individuals of Chinese descent have been allowed to shop at the store since a policy change in January, a decision unbeknownst to the security personnel.

The management purportedly cited restrictions on Nigerians, prompting the aggrieved man to voice his disappointment at the discriminatory treatment. In his captured statement, he lamented the inconvenience of having to locate alternative shopping outlets despite his desire to explore Chinese culinary offerings and products.

The video has triggered widespread condemnation, with many criticizing the actions of the supermarket’s management and highlighting the strangeness of a Chinese-owned establishment in Nigeria excluding its indigenous population. This incident has raised concerns about the treatment of Nigerians by foreign enterprises operating within the country, emphasizing the imperative for greater inclusivity and respect.

As the video continues to circulate, calls for a boycott of the supermarket are gaining momentum, alongside demands for heightened accountability from foreign businesses operating in Nigeria.

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