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Title: Burkina Faso Expels French Diplomats Over Alleged Subversive Activities

Burkina Faso’s military government has taken action against three French diplomats, citing alleged subversive activities, as disclosed by the Burkina foreign ministry.

The French foreign ministry swiftly responded, refuting the accusations and expressing regret over the expulsion of its diplomats and staff. “We reject the unfounded accusations made by the Burkina Faso authorities against our staff,” the ministry stated in a released statement.

According to the letter dated April 16, addressed to the French embassy, the individuals, two of whom were identified as political advisers, were declared persona non grata and given a strict 48-hour ultimatum to vacate the country. However, the letter did not provide specific details regarding the allegations. Nonetheless, unconfirmed reports suggest that the expulsion may be linked to meetings held by the diplomats with civil society members.

Burkina Faso, presently under the governance of a military junta following a coup in 2022, has witnessed strained relations with its former colonial power, France. This strain has led to various retaliatory measures, including the expulsion of French troops, a demand for the recall of the French ambassador, and the suspension of certain French media outlets by the authorities in Ouagadougou.

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